Parenthood in a New World (FREE training)
Preparing parents for life with a new baby NOW
1. The single biggest untruth of parenthood
There's a common saying that we hear all the time and yet it's SO. NOT. TRUE!
2. The difference between parenting and parenthood
Knowing the difference can make all the difference in your important work with expecting and new parents.
3. The most misleading parenthood term that most professionals use
Another common term that's VERY misleading for parents.
4. The three BIGGEST issues causing problems for parents NOW
And how these issues contribute to perinatal mental health conditions and relationship problems for mothers and fathers.
5. The BEST way to prepare parents for parenthood NOW
A powerful new approach to preparing parents for parenthood.
6. The EASIEST way to prepare parents for the parenthood journey
Practical tools and strategies for making a BIG difference for families in a SMALL amount of time.
There's never been a better time for this essential FREE training.